6-Week Masterclass Gets Your Essential To-Do List Done

Join the founder of internationally-acclaimed website Get Your Shit Together and author of the book 'What Matters Most', Chanel Reynolds, over this 6-week course for expert advice and guidance.

Winter Session begins on January 24th & 25th:
+ Join either weekly, live session on Wednesdays @ 5-6:00 pm PT -or- Thursdays @ 10-11am PT.
+ All sessions are recorded and available to view anytime.

  • 1) Get Started!: Create your personalized checklist, what-if exercise, complete questionnaire, prioritize your goals. Plus: Update beneficiaries.

  • 2) Estate Planning 101: How to start, draft and complete *must-do* documents like a will and power of attorney. Plus: What's a Trust?

  • 3) Medical Decisions: Documenting your end-of-life wishes and drafting your Advance Care Directive. Plus: How to start the conversation.

  • 4) Money & Insurance: Your financial accounts now, later and in the future and what insurance do you have, need or need to update?

  • 5) Digital Accounts & Passwords: How to (more) safely store and share documents, account details and legacy planning for your digital life.

  • 6) Wrapping up + Funerals Memorial & 'After' You Die: What, how and who we leave behind.

Watch Intro Video

Course Example: Living Wills

Legal and Estate Planning Basics We All Need

Masterclass Includes:

Expert advice and road-tested tools: Step-by-step instruction refined over ten years of workshops, trainings, interviews, hundreds of classes and thousands of successful students.

Join the founder of internationally-acclaimed website Get Your Shit Together and author of the book What Matters Most, Chanel Reynolds, over this 6-week MasterClass and get the expert advice, step-by-step instructions and personal guidance to get your most important plans done.

  • 80-page custom workbook with interactive master checklists, questionnaires, templates, tools and emergency planning lists.

  • One-on-one support: Open Q&A after each weekly session and additional 1:1 support during or after your course.

  • Video library: Recorded group gatherings to review on your own schedule or if you miss a weekly live session available for 3 months..

  • Weekly emails with additional instruction, tips, reminders and resources to keep you on track.

  • Resource lists: Curated articles and custom tools, advice or referrals to find help or best services for you.


Highly Recommend!

Nancy F. - Class participant

"Chanel is extremely knowledgeable with the multiple facets of how to prepare for the end of life. She is friendly, super approachable, and her class is for ANYONE who knows either something or nothing on what to prepare."

The Power of Raw, Honest Stories About Money

New York Times Article by Ron Liebier

"Ms. Reynolds, 48, became an expert through the death of her husband, José, and the gut-wrenching period of logistical and financial madness that followed. She describes it all in “What Matters Most.”

Opinion: Catastrophe struck when my husband was killed. Here’s what I learned about creating a ‘what if’ plan

by Chanel Reynolds

Four years after my husband was killed in an accident. I had mostly gotten my sh-t together (legal documents, an emergency fund, life insurance, my end-of-life wishes, recorded important account and password information, etc.) and encouraged my parents, friends (and the whole world via my website Get Your Sh*t Together) to make it easier on everyone after they die, too.
Watch Intro Video

Watch: Chanel Reynolds

On her book, 'What Matters Most' and Getting Our Shit Together

Special Offer

Save 15% through January 24th with code GYST15

More Courses & Workshops

Weekend Workshops, Video Lessons & Private Sessions

Preparing for Life's What-ifs | 6-Week Course

  • 1

    Welcome to the Winter 2024 6-Week Course: January 24th & 25th through February 28th & 29th

    • INTRO SURVEY: Pre-Course Survey to Get Started (10 questions, 2-3 minutes)

    • ARTICLE: Read the 'How to Prepare for Life's What-ifs interview with Chanel Reynolds

  • 2

    Week 1 - Get Started: Create Your Checklist, Priorities, & Plan

    • VIDEO RECORDINGS: Week 1 Sessions

    • COURSE WORKBOOK: Reading, Exercise & Assignment (pages 1-7)

    • GYST SPREADSHEET: Essentials Checklist & Digital Details Tracker

    • ARTICLE: Read Creating a 'What-if' Plan OpEd by Chanel Reynolds

  • 3

    Week 2 - Legal 101: Estate Planning & Legal Documents

    • VIDEO RECORDINGS: Week 2 Sessions

    • WORKBOOK: Legal Documents & Estate Planning: (begins on Page 8)

    • EXAMPLES: Estate Documents (for reference only)

    • RESOURCES: Estate Planning Resources List

    • ARTICLE: 'The Best Investment of All: The People You Love the Most' by Ron Lieber for the New York Times

  • 4

    Week 3 - End of Life Plans: Medical Decisions & Advance Care Directives

    • WORKBOOK: Medical Directives and Advance Care Directives (begins on Page 8)

    • EXAMPLE: ACD Document for End of Life Decisions and Instructions (from Five Wishes)

  • 5

    Week 4 - Money & Insurance: Financial Accounts & Beneficiaries

    • VIDEO RECORDINGS: Week 4 Sessions

    • RESOURCES: Money & Insurance - Planning for the Long Haul

    • ARTICLE: America's Aging Population - New York Times

  • 6

    Week 5 - Wrangling the Details: Accounts, Documents and all the 'Stuff.'

    • VIDEO RECORDINGS: Week 5 Sessions

    • [RESOURCES] Round Up & How to Get it Done!

  • 7

    Week 6 - Funerals, Memorials & Death Care Choices

    • VIDOE RECORDING: Week 6 Live Session

    • RESOURCES: Death Care, Green/Natural Options & Your Legacy

  • 8

    Congratulations! Post-Course Survey, Next Steps & Your Success Plan

    • [How'd It Go? SURVEY] Post-Course Survey - Wrap Up (8 questions, 2-3 min)


  • Is the course online?

    Yes, this course meets for online (only) gatherings once a week for six weeks - the sessions are all online but the group size is small to encourage supportive conversation and personalized support. Your course dashboard contains the videos from the live sessions, custom worksheets and checklists and course materials.

  • What if I miss one of the group meetings?

    The meetings will be recorded and available to view after the session for the duration of the course but the Q&A session with other attendees or other personal information and stories will be omitted to ensure privacy. All course materials and resources will be available to access or download for attendees for two months after the course - three months total.

  • Is there a registration fee?

    Yes, the 6-week masterclass course has a general registration fee of $249.00 per person. The full cost of the class will be refundable for 24 hours after purchase up to three days before the start of the course. Please see the pricing options section on the registration page should there be any additional pricing options or scholarship opportunities available.

  • Can my spouse/partner take the class me or should they register and purchase the class separately?

    Yes, for the online sessions, absolutely! Feel free to invite with your partner/spouse and have them join you.

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