Are you ready to get your sh*t together?

Don't know where to start? Feel overwhelmed? No time?
Getting your shit together is one of the most important and valuable investments you will ever make. Private sessions provide you the personalized guidance, step-by-step instruction and additional inspiration and accountability to get your household's most critical plans done.

  • One-on-One Sessions - Three, individualized sessions focus on you, your personal goals and unique family priorities.

  • Flexible Timeline - This guided program allows you to work at your own pace with weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly over the course of three months, per your goals and availability.

  • Personalized, Ongoing Support - Have questions, looking for resources, need weekly nudges or follow ups? You got it.

  • Custom Resources - Comprehensive materials include 80-page guidebook, customizable checklists, plus templates and tools to get your todos done.

Watch Intro Video

Watch: Chanel Reynolds

On her book, 'What Matters Most' and Getting Our Shit Together

Private 1:1 Sessions for Individuals & Families

Tired of Struggling Solo? Work directly with GYST founder Chanel Reynolds to get individual support, personalized step-by-step instructions, weekly reminders and custom tools to (finally) get your *stuff* done.

Most Popular: 3-month Get it Done Program - Three 1:1 sessions will confirm your priorities, move tasks forward, keep you accountable and kicking-ass on your goals.

Get Started: 90-minute Deep Dive Session - Workshop 1:1 together to prioritize, move action items forward a schedule your tasks and success plan.
Image of open table and seats ready for a conversation.

Get it Done: Session 1

Kick-off & Getting Started

In our first 1:1 session we'll review your goals, answer questions and confirm how to get the most out of our time together.

+ Onboarding survey, confirm and prioritize goals and objectives and create a customized checklist with step-by-step tasks and todo items.

+ You'll have defined next steps, confirmed timelines and a drafted plan for follow ups based on your priorities, concerns and timeline.
Chanel Reynolds in a 1:1 session

Get it Done: Session 2

Making Big Progress

We'll deep dive into the estate planning essentials like legal documents, financial plans, insurance and beneficiaries

+ Review legal questionnaires, worksheets and checklist: Do you need a lawyer? Maybe. Do you need a Trust? Maybe. Your options, priorities and family needs.

+ Building your What-if Plan to answer: Where is your money? Is your name on it? Do you have enough of the right kind of insurance? Are your beneficiaries updated?
Chanel Reynolds in a 1:1 session

Get it Done: Session 3

Confirm, Complete & Success Plan

+ Confirm how to safely manage, store and share documents, details, digital accounts and passwords with your trusted circle.

+ What else? What next? Review your reaming tasks, todos and final next steps with your attorney, financial advisor or other service provider.
Chanel Reynolds in a 1:1 session

Not Ready Yet?
Still Feeling Stuck?
Need a Nudge?

Start with a 90-minute Deep Dive Session & Create Your Custom Plan

Roll up your sleeves and make meaningful progress in this 1:1 deep dive work-session with Chanel. You'll prioritize your goals and tasks, move action items forward and leave with plan for success.
Chanel Reynolds in a 1:1 session
Watch Intro Video

Course Example: Living Wills

Legal and Estate Planning Basics We All Need


Get help reaching the finish line with the 3-mo program or get unstuck and make meaningful progress in a 90-min deep-dive, 1:1 working session.

  • $800.00

    3-mo Program: three, hourlong 1:1 sessions, instructions and reminders

    Register now
  • $250.00

    90-min Deep-Dive Work Session

    Register now

Get Your Shit Together This Year

The Best Time to Start is Now

Featured Press and Praise

Article: The Power of Raw, Honest Stories About Money

New York Times Article by Ron Liebier

Excerpt: Ms. Reynolds, 48, became an expert through the death of her husband, José, and the gut-wrenching period of logistical and financial madness that followed. She describes it all in “What Matters Most.” Read Full Article:

Opinion: Catastrophe struck when my husband was killed. Here’s what I learned about creating a ‘what if’ plan

by Chanel Reynolds

Four years after my husband was killed in an accident. I had mostly gotten my sh-t together (completed my will and power of attorney documents, created an emergency fund, got more life insurance, specified my end-of-life wishes, recorded important account and password information, etc.) and encouraged my parents, friends (and the whole world via my website Get Your Sh*t Together) to make it easier on everyone after they die, too.

Planning for Life's 'What-Ifs'

Completing your family's critical documents and basic plans now takes a handful of hours now and can save your family hundreds of hours, unnecessary stress, additional turmoil, and thousands of dollars:

  • Avoid a 'Death By A Thousand Paper-cuts': Dying without a will is called 'dying intestate' and you DO NOT want this. It can take 300-400 hours and about 2 years to manage someone's estate if they die without a will. Believe me, it really sucks.

  • Skip 'Treasure Hunts' and Digital Purgatory: Most US adults have over 100 online accounts. It's hard to remember your own usernames and passwords, what won't you have access to when you really need it?

  • Leave a Legacy, Not a Shitshow Who will make decisions for you? Who should be the guardian of your kids or pets? Who gets the house? Knowing what you want (and don't want) is easy when you write it down in a few documents.

Private Sessions FAQ

  • Are the private meetings online?

    Yes, the private sessions are online and are generally over zoom to encourage face to face conversation and better personalized support. If you are in the Seattle, WA metropolitan area or can make arrangements with my travel schedule I am happy to arrange in person meetings.

  • What if I/we miss a private meeting?

    If you need to miss a scheduled meeting we can reschedule for a different day/time. 24 hours notice is appreciated. Should scheduling the in-person sessions prove too challenging, instruction and lesson content can be recorded and accessed as self-study session.

  • How much do private sessions cost?

    The private session 3-month Get it Done program is $800 per individual or couple for three 1:1 sessions over the course of three months. The 90-minute Deep-Dive kick off consultation and 1:1 working session is $250. If after the 90-min session you decide to register for the 3-month program, the 90-min session fee will be deducted from the cost of the 3-month program. The fee is is refundable if requested within 24 hours after purchase.

  • Is the cost per person or per couple?

    Your partner, spouse, or household 'person' is welcome (and encouraged) to join you. Generally, partners share the same questions, goals and priorities as you and creating these documents and plans together is a very meaningful and productive process as a team. Should your partner have additional priorities or numerous expanded concerns we can schedule additional session(s) for a flat fee.

  • How and where do I access my materials and resources??

    All core lesson materials and resources are available to access, view or download on the Private Sessions Dashboard. Once you sign up and purchase your private sessions you will receive an email confirmation with sign in links and details. Additional resources and/or personalized materials will be sent via email or secure link with your permission.

  • What is Chanel's experience?

    Chanel Reynolds is an expert in helping people get their shit together with over 25 years experience as a project manager, managing director, and business leader. For ten years she has been a leader and advocate for comprehensive and holistic end of life planning for everyone. She has been there. She gets it. Chanel is not an attorney or a certified financial planner. She has been described as 'the Erin Brockovich of Estate Planning' (which she very much enjoyed hearing, thank you) and encourages you to think of her as your household planning accountability coach or an estate planning advocate and personal finance educator. For additional clarity, she does not provide formal legal or financial 'advice' but will be happy to suggest or refer other professionals, if requested and/or when appropriate.

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