[Inactive] January Session | Get Your Shit Together | End of Life Planning 4 Week Course
Get Your Shit Together 4-Week Course Begins Wednesday, January 5th, 2022 Live Sessions @5pm PT/8pm ET
Get the essentials end of life planning basics like wills, living wills, healthcare directives, emergency funds and 'what if' plans done! Join the founder of internationally-acclaimed website GetYourShitTogether.org and author of the book 'What Matters Most', Chanel Reynolds, as your guide and finally get the financial, legal, digital and emotional planning and critical documents completed every adult must have.
GET STARTED (Week 1): Create your personalized checklist, what-if exercise, complete questionnaire, prioritize your goals and schedule to be successful.
LEGAL 101 (Week 2): Review, draft and complete the legal *must-do* documents like wills, power of attorney and advance care directive documents.
TIME & MONEY (Week 3): Emergency Funds, Financial Planning and Insurance. Getting your personal finances and insurance policies in order to cover your needs today and protect your vulnerable spots over the long haul.
DIGITAL ACCOUNTS, DETAILS & WRAP UP (Week 4): Wrangling the Details: Accounts, Documents and all the 'Stuff.' What You Leave Behind: Death, Dying and Legacy
Chanel Reynolds condenses over ten years of workshops, trainings, interviews, and in-person classes have road tested how to get the most items off your to-do list done in a small and supportive group gathering. Take care of of these important tasks before life goes sideways, it's easier than you think!
30-page downloadable Course Workbook with master checklists, questionnaires, tools and resources for Before or After an illness or emergency.
One-on-one support: Join weekly 'office hours' for open Q&A or post class session conversation for additional support during your course.
Access to recorded class meetings to review course information or if you miss a weekly live session.
Weekly emails with additional instruction, tips, reminders and resources to keep you on track.
Get Your Legal and Financial Planning Basics and Documents Done!
[VIDEO] January Week 1 Video Recording Part 1 - Intro & Get Started
[VIDEO] January Week 1 Video Recording Part 2 - Create your Checklist, Docs & ToDos
Note from Chanel about Week 1 Video Recording Jan 10th
Week 1: Group Meeting Exercise/Assignment
Get Started 2-Page Master Checklist
Get Your Shit Together 14-Page Before & After Expanded Checklist
Homework: Creating a 'What-if' Plan
[VIDEO] January Week 2 Video Recording - Estate Planning and Legal Basics
Week 2: Group Meeting Exercise/Assignment
Week 2: Legal & Estate Planning Overview & Questionnaires
[HOMEWORK] Overview Tasks and Todo's Week 2: Legal 101 & Resources
[EXTRA CREDIT] NYT Article by Your Money Columnist Ron Lieber, 'The Best Investment of All: The People You Love the Most'
[VIDEO] Recorded Group Session Week 3 - Jan 19th
Week 3: Money and Financial Planning Overview & Questionnaire
Week 3: Insurance Overview, Worksheet and Questionnaire
[EXTRA CREDIT] Video: Retirement Plans on Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (2016)
[HOMEWORK] Resources: Insurance Policies Articles & Links: Life and Long term Care
[VIDEO] Recorded Group Session Week 4: Wednesday, January 26th
Week 4: Review Your Goals and ToDos - Group Meeting Exercise/Assignment
Week 4: Digital Accounts and Details Round Up Overview & Worksheet
Resources Round Up & How to Get it Done!
NEW Spreadsheet: The Essentials Checklist & Digital Details Round Up (Link & .xlsx)
GYST 4-Week Survey: Session Complete Feedback (Thanks, I appreciate it!)
Yes, this course meets for online (only) gatherings once a week for four weeks - the sessions are all online but the group size is small to encourage supportive conversation and personalized support.
The meetings will be recorded and available to view after the session for the duration of the course but the Q&A session with other attendees or other personal information and stories will be omitted to ensure privacy. All course materials and resources will be available to access or download for attendees for the duration of the session.
The 4-week course costs $149.00 per person. The full cost of the class will be refundable up until 24 hours before (but not after) the first session begins.
Yes, absolutely! Feel free to participate with your partner/spouse and have them join you.
Add your email to the mailing list for updates on upcoming courses.